After less action than you'll see from drying paint, yet another year of essential tracks goes live. As usual, send your abuse via the contact page along with any sensible suggestions where we've missed your favourite stuff but please, we know Russ Abbott's Atmosphere was a 1984 top ten hit but we've already ruled that out for many, many, many reasons...and some more after that too.
After last week's bonanza of newly added tracks, we've slogged away at some more. 1983 recommended listens now uploaded. Bung some more that we've missed our way via the contact page and we'll either add them or ignore you entirely as they fall short of the overall marks required from the large panel of well-respected and revered judges.
After much in-house fighting, a list of recommended tracks covering years 1976-1982 inclusive have finally been added to the essential tracks section. Before letting us know your disgusted thoughts via the contact page, bear in mind that the squabbling resulted in a couple of shiners, a few bruised ribs and even a broken nose. If for a miraculous reason your suggestions for additional tracks are accepted after careful scrutiny, you might even get a nod of acknowledgement from the webmaster. Alternatively, we may all just roll around the floor laughing.
December 2018